At some point, most likely during Jon & Kate Plus 8, Gabe has heard the term “organic.” And apparently he has a somewhat <ahem> favorable impression of organic food. Here was today’s conversation:
Gabe: Do we have organic?
Me: What do you mean, do we have organic?
Gabe: Do we eat organic food?
Me: Well, sometimes.
Gabe: What else do we eat?
Me: I dunno – regular food?
Gabe: What is it?
Me: What do you mean?
Gabe: Well, is it poison?
Yes, Son. Some would say it’s poison. I would say it’s cheaper. And until they fix that problem or we fix the fertility problem, it’s poison all the way for us, baby!

Don’t even get Archie started on the whole Organic deal.
Isn’t all food primarily organic?
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