Tahd is on his way home. While we’ve been enjoying the sun and warmth at home all week (it got into the mid-80s one afternoon this week!! In early May!!) Tahd has been fighting the wind and snow in Montana at the same time. His flight is delayed (thanks @UnitedAirlines for sucking) but it doesn’t matter – he’s on his way home!
Gabe spent the night at my parents’ house last night. Hence I got to sleep in as much as I wanted this morning! Which didn’t end being much, but even though I couldn’t sleep I did get to be lazy, and that’s nearly as good!
My house? It’s nearly all picked up. Oh, how I love my picked up house! There’s still a bit of laundry to go, but it shouldn’t take very long!
I have pants! That fit! An impromptu shopping trip to the outlet malls yesterday netted me two pairs of maternity pants and two pairs of shorts. Granted, it meant I was out of my house for 14 hours straight, but it was all worth it to get pants that don’t require any elastic bands to stay up!
Finally, today is a good day because I get to spend it staring at this… Could anything possibly be prettier?

Today IS a good day, because I get to sit in DIA reading about the good day my wife is having… 🙂 Love you baby, and be home soon… (assuming UA gets its act together…we’re now on our 4TH gate change. I’m refusing to move until they tell me our plane is actually on the ground at a given gate.)
Love a picked up house too. It doesn’t happen often or stay that way long here, so I cherish the split second in time when it is all perfect.
Add sleeping a bit and just plain chilling alone…well, it sounds like heaven
That is one gorgeous baby you’ve got!!!
Good luck to Tahd on getting home.
Hope Tahd makes it home soon and that baby is gorgeous already!!
Big smile on my face for your good day and that lovely picture!!
Aww – what a lovely post and a gorgeous pic!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..mother’s day =-.
how wonderful!! and a GORGEOUS picture!!! enjoy!!! 🙂
.-= Vicky´s last blog ..Sometimes it takes time =-.