This looked like it might be fun so I decided to play along!
Here’s the premise – there are 7 categories. I will provide 1 link from my blog or another’s blog related to the topic. Feel free to play along, too!
My first post – it’s here. My first post is not actually the post that comes first chronologicallly. I pre-dated a bunch of random posts. I don’t know why.
A post you enjoyed writing the most – the Olympics! Gabe still has the rings drawn on his white board.
A post which had a great discussion – you all gave me a lot of great feedback when I asked for advice on ivf.
A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written – this one really makes me smile. It’s so lovely! I also really, really love this one. I need to read it often!
Your most helpful post – I assume this means the post I think will help the most people? Maybe this one about miscarriage. Or all the septoplasty posts. There’s not a ton out there about septoplasties.
A post with a title that you are proud of – I think it would have to be this one: The One Where I Disappoint – Nay *Poison* – My Child.
Finally, a post that you wish more people had read – I can’t decide. It’s between this one and this one, both about losing Mara. I don’t know how many people read either post but I wish the whole world had read them so they’d all know about my baby.
If you decide to play along leave a comment here so I can come visit your favorite and most notable posts!
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