
You know what’s beautiful?

Yosemite National Park.

Tahd explained that since we were in California he likereallyreallyreally wanted to see Yosemite. I explained that since we were in California I likereallyreallyreally had no desire to also incorporate a road trip. But the look of longing on my husband’s eyes won out and I agreed to the trip, albeit grudgingly.

But, oh! Was I glad!

How can you not be glad when you see this?

A kind lady offered to take a picture of all three of us! And it mostly turned out!

The trees… oh, the trees!

El Cap…

Yosemite Falls…

On our way home we drove through a tiny little town called Priest Station.  We stopped for food and our meal was great, but I wish I had realized how close we were to this cafe. The view from their deck was astounding, and with the sun setting…


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  1. Yosemite is beautiful.

    ps- Your hair looks awesome!!
    Claire´s last blog post ..Accountability

  2. Looks like you’re having a great time! Beautiful pics!
    RenovationGirl´s last blog post ..A Year

  3. GREAT pics … super beautiful!

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