I need to live 100 lifetimes. There are so many things I want to do! I want to…
(These photos have absolutely nothing to do with the things I want to do. I just like them. I didn’t even take them and I’m not in them. They’re stock. Except this first one. It’s totally of me rocking my inner thigh gap.)
learn to make art with photography…
become an acupuncturist…
go to nursing school and become a midwife…
get a master’s degree in counseling…
own a knitting store…
become a financial planner…
write books…
own an etsy shop selling handmade goods…
become a graphic designer…
plan events…
host personal growth retreats…
become a research sociologist…
travel around the world…
So many fascinating things. It’s nearly impossible to pick! A hundred lifetimes might not be enough.
(PS – um, that was totally not me. Just to be clear. I have neither that hair nor that camera. Nor that inner thigh gap, in the interest of full disclosure.)

I can totally see you in so many of those roles. Particularly the
Midwife and counselor.